


Photos shot by Shunkichi Kikuchi

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(Total of 811 negatives)
These 811 photos taken by Shunkichi Kikuchi, a colleague of Mr. Hayashi, were taken when he accompanied the same Special Committee for the Investigation of A-bomb Damages. Mr. Kikuchi photographed many A-bomb victims in hospitals and relief stations, recording the wounds that had been caused by glass fragments scattered by the bomb’s blast, burns from the bombing’s thermal rays, and acute symptoms of radiation effects. The photo series (SKIKUCHI0288-0295) captures a mother and daughter just prior to their deaths from radiation’s acute health effects. After the war, Mr. Kikuchi worked as a photographer in Tokyo and took responsibility for holding on to the negatives of the photos he had taken in Hiroshima, storing them in a bank safe-deposit box. Harumi Tago, Mr. Kikuchi’s oldest daughter, has since taken over possession of the negatives.

Contact: peacemedia@chugoku-np.co.jp