


Hiroshima City in flames

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Title Hiroshima City in flames
Photographer Gonichi Kimura
Date On August 6, 1945
Location Army Marine Training Division
Distance from hypocenter 4000meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives Yes
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Film stored at Japan Photo Archive Custodian: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Taken from the Army Marine Training Division, 4,000 meters from the hypocenter. Gonichi Kimura (then 41 years old), who was working in the yard, was pinned under the stable when the atomic bomb exploded. He crawled out of the stables and ran to the photo studio to retrieve his camera (Mamiya Six) and took three pictures of the mushroom cloud. After a while, he spotted smoke from the fire to the west, climbed onto the third-floor roof of the building via an iron ladder and took a series of three shots of the flames spreading at a tremendous rate throughout Hiroshima city. This is one of the pictures.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in Peace Database of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, On display at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum's Main Building, Photo collection Moment of destruction of Hiroshima