


A woman whose kimono pattern burned into her skin

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Title A woman whose kimono pattern burned into her skin
Photographer Gonichi Kimura
Date Around August 15 or between around August 30 and September 3, 1945
Location Ujina branch of Hiroshima First Army Hospital
Distance from hypocenter 4160meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives No
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description A woman whose kimono pattern was burned into her skin by the atomic bomb. The bomb's heat rays burned the darker parts of the kimono pattern into her skin.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in Peace Database of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, On display at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum's East Building, Listed in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Collection Catalogue
Note A color photograph of the same composition as this black-and-white photo was included in the materials concerning the atomic bombings returned to Japan by the United States in 1973. The photo is believed to be a colorized version of the original black-and-white.