


A soldier with symptoms of radiation poisoning due to the atomic bomb (died on Aug. 31)

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Title A soldier with symptoms of radiation poisoning due to the atomic bomb (died on Aug. 31)
Photographer Gonichi Kimura
Date Between around August 30 and September 3, 1945
Location Ujina branch of Hiroshima First Army Hospital (Army Marine Training Division)
Distance from hypocenter 4160meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives No
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description A soldier with symptoms of radiation poisoning (then 22 years old). He was exposed to the atomic bomb about 800 meters from the hypocenter. He was blown into the Tenma river from its bank by the blast and was bruises on his head and back. He was hospitalized and treated until August 20. After he was discharged, he was assigned to military duty. From August 20 to 25, he developed a fever and hemorrhagic spots. On August 28, he was readmitted to Hiroshima First Army Hospital, Ujina Branch. His hair was lost completely and hemorrhagic spots appeared all over his body, especially on his cranium. He developed anemia, hemorrhagic stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, and other symptoms. On August 30, he became unconscious, and he died at 9:00 on August 31. Photographer Gonichi Kimura accompanied Dr. Masao Tsuzuki of Tokyo Imperial University. Dr. Tsuzuki asked Mr. Kimura to take focused shots of those dying from radiation, and so he took pictures of the wounded. They visited many of the wounded, some of whom died while being photographed.

Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in Peace Database of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum