


Totally burned freight train car

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ID Code MOKI0010
Title Totally burned freight train car
Photographer Masami Oki
Date On August 20, 1945
Location Futabanosato
Distance from hypocenter 1600meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives No
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Looking south-southwest from the north side of the Futabanosato Sanyo Line Nigitsu guard (Nigitsu Shrine side). The part that looks like a roof at the top of the photo is the Japan National Railways Sanyo Line railway. Although not shown in the photo, there is a Sanyo Line railway bridge over the Kanda River on the right. At the time of the bombing, a 49-car freight train was approaching the bridge when it was overturned by the blast and caught fire. In order to quickly restore service, the train was dropped into the Kyobashi (Kanda) River and the road south of the car guard to allow trains to quickly resume operation.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in Peace Database of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Photo collection Moment of destruction of Hiroshima