


Kusunoki-cho, completely burned and destroyed

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ID Code MOKI0011
Title Kusunoki-cho, completely burned and destroyed
Photographer Masami Oki
Date On August 20, 1945
Location Around Kusunoki-cho
Distance from hypocenter 1540meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives No
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Looking southwest (Yokogawa Bridge) from the west end of the Misasa Bridge (right bank of the Ota River). The area, near the northern end of the area completely destroyed by the atomic bomb and ensuing fire, had a high concentration of small factories and wooden houses, all of which completely burned down. Only a concrete fire cistern and the landmark steel-arched Yokogawa Bridge remained in the burnt ruins. On the left is the Ota River, and the mountains in the distance are in the direction of Koi.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in Peace Database of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Photo collection Moment of destruction of Hiroshima