


The Nippon Chochiku Bank Hiroshima branch

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ID Code MOKI0014
Title The Nippon Chochiku Bank Hiroshima branch
Photographer Masami Oki
Date On August 20, 1945
Location Ote-machi
Distance from hypocenter 390meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives No
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description From near the east entrance of the Hiroshima Prefectural Agricultural Association Hiroshima Branch, looking south (Japan Savings Bank Hiroshima Branch). In the bombing, the Hiroshima Prefectural Agricultural Association's entrance, which had distinctive columns facing Ote-machi Street, and its office collapsed and was scattered. This photo was taken from the entrance, looking south. The former two-story Japan Savings Bank Hiroshima Branch, visible in the center, was destroyed by the blast, leaving only the first floor. Only the vault remained, which helped the bank operate from August 16 in a temporary location within the Bank of Japan.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in Peace Database of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Photo collection Moment of destruction of Hiroshima