


Shimomura Clock Shop

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ID Code MOKI0017
Title Shimomura Clock Shop
Photographer Masami Oki
Date On August 20, 1945
Location Hirataya-cho
Distance from hypocenter 620meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives No
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Looking from west to east on Hondori shopping street (toward Kirin Beer Hall). The two-story reinforced concrete building, with a large clock tower built in 1928, was a landmark on the Hondori shopping street. Both concrete walls, directly supported the heavy clock tower, crumbled from the A-bomb's blast, causing the second story with arched windows and the clock tower to buckle and collapse to the southeast side.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in Peace Database of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Photo collection Moment of destruction of Hiroshima