


Photographed from the Fukuya Department Store new building

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Title Photographed from the Fukuya Department Store new building
Photographer Mitsugi Kishida
Date Between August 7 and 8, 1945
Location Ebisu-cho
Distance from hypocenter 710meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives Yes
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Film stored at Japan Photo Archive / Custodian: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Taken from the emergency stairs of the Fukuya Department Store new building. From left are Hiroshima Central Broadcasting Station, the Kumura Residence, Hiroshima Station, the boiler building and chimney of Hiroshima Railway Hospital, Hiroshima Nagarekawa Church, Hiroshima Higashi (East) Police Station, and the Chugoku Shimbun Newspaper Company new building. In front of the Chugoku Shimbun Newspaper Company, an A-bombed streetcar (probably No. 421) can be seen. From the center of the photo to the right are the steel frame of Odamasa Shoten kimono shop and the chimney of Kubota Soy Sauce (located in former Chigiya-cho). In the background is Hijiyama hill. The cemetry in the center is Hanshuji Temple, and this area is called Higashi Shintenchi. From the left are Kanawajima island and Ujinajima island (Moto Ujina-machi and Mukou Ujina), Warehouse of Hiroshima Communication Bureau, Tada Pediatrics, Hiroshima Bunrika University, elementary school attached to Hiroshima Higher Normal School, Hiroshima Postal Savings Branch Office, Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital, and Hiroshima City Hall. In the right foreground is the Kirin Beer Hall.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in Peace Database of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Listed in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Collection Catalogue, Photo collection Moment of destruction of Hiroshima
Note Panoramic photo pieced together by combining MKISHIDA0006-0011