


Hiroshima Communications Bureau

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Title Hiroshima Communications Bureau
Photographer Toshio Kawamoto
Date Around November 1945
Location Motomachi
Distance from hypocenter 1460meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives No
Owner Hiroshima City
Custodian Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Looking from northeast to southwest. All the floors in the south wing (to the left in the photo) burned down, and the fourth floor of the north wing was completely destroyed by fire. On August 7, a task force responding to war damage was established in the north wing, a portion of which had escaped the fire. The task force was commanded to restore postal and telephone/telegraph services. The south wing provided temporary accommodations for its employees who were bombed out of their houses. Michihiko Hachiya, director of the Hiroshima Communications Hospital, who was injured by the atomic bombing in government employee housing near the hospital ward, led the relief activities for many A-bomb survivors in the hospital ward in the left foreground. The hospital ward was preserved in 1995 by the Chugoku Postal Administration Office. Part of the building is open to the public as an exhibition room of its materials.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Listed in the “Peace Database” of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum website,The photo collection “The Moment of Hiroshima’s Destruction”