


Mushroom cloud (A few minutes after detonation)

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Title Mushroom cloud (A few minutes after detonation)
Photographer Seiso Yamada
Date After 8 a.m. on August 6, 1945, a few minutes following detonation of atomic bomb
Location Mikumari Gorge in present-day Fuchu-cho, Aki District, Hiroshima Prefecture
Distance from hypocenter 6500meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives No
Owner Chugoku Shimbun
Custodian Chugoku Shimbun , Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Mushroom cloud captured a few minutes after the detonation of the atomic bomb; taken about 6.5 kilometers northeast of the hypocenter. According to records held by the United States Armed Forces, the cloud billowed to 9,000 meters in the sky within three minutes of the blast. The photograph was taken by Seiso Yamada, then 17, who was walking to visit Mikumari Gorge in Fuchu-cho, Aki County in Hiroshima Prefecture, with his friends. They were watching a B-29 and a parachute in the sky from the entrance to the gorge when a flash, a rumbling of the ground, and a roar suddenly hit them. Trees in the pine forest around them shook violently from the blast, and a huge mushroom cloud rose rapidly, which he photographed with a Japan-made camera he had brought with him. (The parachute Mr. Yamada saw is believed to have been the blast measurement instrumentation dropped by one of the planes accompanying the Enola Gay.)
Record of publication in literature, exhibition On display at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum's Main Building, Listed in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Collection Catalogue, Photo collection Moment of destruction of Hiroshima, Life Magazine / Vol.33, No.13 September 29, 1952