


Hiroshima National Railway Station after the atomic bombing

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Title Hiroshima National Railway Station after the atomic bombing
Photographer Hajime Miyatake
Date Between around August 10 and 11, 1945
Location Matsubara-cho
Distance from hypocenter 1900meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives Yes
Owner Asahi Shimbun
Custodian Tokyo head office of Asahi Shimbun
Description Hiroshima Station after the atomic bombing. A few air-raid shelters were set up under the rotary in front of the station (foreground). The atomic bomb's blast ripped off a newly extended waiting room and pushed down the ceiling, and the interior burned and the ceiling collapsed in the ensuing fire. Afterward, 78 bodies were found in the ruins. With much effort from the surving station staff and rescue workers, the station resumed railroad operations quickly despite the devestating conditions, becoming a driving force for survivors toward restoration.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition