


Shimomura Clock Shop's first floor collapsed from the atomic bomb's blast

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Title Shimomura Clock Shop's first floor collapsed from the atomic bomb's blast
Photographer Hajime Miyatake
Date Between around August 10 and 11, 1945
Location Hirataya-cho
Distance from hypocenter 620meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives Yes
Owner Asahi Shimbun
Custodian Tokyo head office of Asahi Shimbun
Description The first floor of Shimomura Clock Shop collapsed. Built in 1928 with a large, eye-catching clock tower, the shop attracted widespread popularity as a western-style landmark on Hondori Shopping Street. Because there was no structure in place to support the heavy tower, the first floor completely collapsed from the atomic bomb's blast, and the remains leaned east. The Asahi Shimbun Newspaper (Osaka) published this picture on August 16, 1945, the day after the war ended, reporting on the devastation of Hiroshima for the first time.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition Asahi Shimbun (August 16, 1945, Osaka edition )