


Privacy policy

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The Chugoku Shimbun (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), serving as the secretariat organization for the six parties (the Hiroshima City government, Chugoku Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Newspapers, RCC Broadcasting, and Japan Broadcasting Corporation) that have jointly applied for registration of the “Visual archive of Hiroshima atomic bombing—Photographs and films in 1945” with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s “Memory of the World,” appropriately handles personal and other information and has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter “the Policy”) in acknowledgment of the importance of personal and other information on this website, which is managed/administered by the Company.

1. Definition of Personal Information

Personal information refers to such information as that stipulated in Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter, the ‘Personal Information Protection Law’), that relating to a living individual, and that which is applicable to any of the following conditions.
(1) Information such as an individual’s name, address, date of birth, gender, occupation, telephone number, email address, and so on allowing identification of a specific individual.
(2) Information that alone cannot be used to identify a specific individual but could be used to match with other information and thereby allow identification of the individual.
(3) Information containing symbols or codes that could allow identification of an individual.

2. Administrator’s Information

Corporate name: The Chugoku Shimbun
Address: 7-1 Dobashi-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City
Representative: Tetsuya Okahata, President and Representative Director

3. Methods for Obtaining Personal Information

1) Inquiries regarding this website are accepted by email. We ask that such information as name, email address, and details of inquiry be included in the email.
2) This website automatically gathers such information as internet domain name, IP address, browsing history on the website (dates of access, search keywords, session information, etc.), browser utilized to access the website, and so on.

4. Purpose of Use

Information gathered on the basis of the previous item (1) is used for responding to inquiries and developing future policies. To respond to inquiries or contact the party making an inquiry, email address or other such information may be used.
Information gathered on the basis of (2) above is used as reference for the smooth operation of services provided on this website.

5. Access to Personal Information by Third Parties

The Company does not provide any personal information gathered in connection with this website to third parties without consent, excluding exceptions stipulated in t Japan’s Personal Information Protection Law. However, personal information may be provided or disclosed to third parties if website users attempt to alter or damage the website’s content, or are suspected of using information contained herein to violate laws or ordinances.

6. Management of Personal Information

This website stores personal data for only as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected and handled, depending on type of personal data. Gathered personal information is properly managed with necessary measures in place to prevent leaks, misuse, and falsification. Any personal information that no longer requires retention is securely and promptly deleted.

7. Disclosure/Correction/Deletion of Retained Personal Data

When the Company is requested to disclose, correct, or delete user information retained in connection with this website, the issue is handled promptly, within reason, after efforts are made to identify the person in question. Contact: Hiroshima Peace Media Center, the Chugoku Shimbun, at peacemedia@chugoku-np.co.jp.

8. Contact for Inquiries/Complaints on Handling of Personal Information

Any inquiries or complaints about the website’s handling of personal information are accepted by the Hiroshima Peace Media Center, the Chugoku Shimbun, at peacemedia@chugoku-np.co.jp.

9. Scope of Application

The privacy policy applies to this website only. The website contains links to external sites. We encourage users to read and confirm the privacy policy of such third-party sites when leaving this website and visiting the other sites through the links provided.

10. Cookies Policy

This website utilizes cookies, small text files that are stored on users’ devices (smartphones, tablets, personal computers, etc.) when users visit the site.
If a user agrees to the use of cookies, this website sets cookies to assess use of the website and to evaluate and improve its services.
The data obtained through such cookies are used for work related to management of this website and improvement of its services, as well as for generating statistics on website use and the like. Access analysis of such nature does not include the extraction or collection of personal data in a form that allows identification of individuals.

11. Google Analytics

This website utilizes Google Analytics for access analysis. Access analysis is carried out statistically and is not based on extraction of data in a manner that allows identification of individuals. For more information on how Google Analytics works and the company’s privacy policy, access Google’s Data Protection statement at
https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en, or elsewhere.

12. Dates of Privacy Policy Enactment/Revisions

Enacted: July 20, 2024