


Site Policy

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This website is managed/administered by the Chugoku Shimbun, which serves as the secretariat organization for the six parties (the Hiroshima City government, Chugoku Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Newspapers, RCC Broadcasting, and Japan Broadcasting Corporation) that have jointly applied for registration of the “Visual archives of Hiroshima atomic bombing—Photographs and films in 1945” with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s “Memory of the World.” Please note the following when using this website.


Linking to this site is permissible in principle, on the condition that any such link is not for commercial use. However, if the content of the website that initiated the link is not consistent with the objectives of this website, or if the link is set up in such a way as to invite misunderstanding about the source of information, this website may refuse the link request.
When posting links to a specific page on the site, it must be clearly indicated that the page is located within this website.
When linking to this website, use of the following banners is permissible.

Copyright policy

While the term of copyright protection for individual photos and films posted on this website (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Collection of Materials’) has expired in Japan, users are requested to respect the moral rights of authors and abide by relevant laws and regulations.
The entirety of this website is subject to copyright protection as a compilation of works and is protected by both Japan’s Copyright Act and international treaties.


(1) As for photos and other materials posted on this website, its owners and administrators are working to carefully manage and preserve over the long term the actual negatives and prints, which represent the source of the posted materials. For inquiries regarding individual elements of the Collection of Materials, including requests for access to the image data, please use the contact information listed on the page carrying the specific material.
(2) For general inquiries about the overall website, please send an email to the Hiroshima Peace Media Center, the Chugoku Shimbun, at peacemedia@chugoku-np.co.jp


For any use of content on this website, the source should be cited using the following language.
“Source: Visual archives of Hiroshima atomic bombing-Photographs and films in 1945 (along with the URL for the top page of this website or the URL for the corresponding page of the website)”


While taking every precaution concerning the accuracy of the photos and other information posted on this website, the manager/administrator of this website does not guarantee the Collection of Materials (including but not limited to its completeness, accuracy, reliability, utility, or safety) expressly or implicitly.
Furthermore, the manager/administrator bears no responsibility whatsoever for any acts committed by users of the Collection of Materials on this website.
Please note in advance that changes to or deletion of content or URL information are subject to occur without notice, and service may be suspended due to repairs or maintenance, and the like.

Web Accessibility

This website was created and is managed/administered with the aim of reliably and accurately communicating information to a large number of users.