


Taken at Ujina branch of Hiroshima First Army Hospital. Man suffering from hair loss.

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Title Taken at Ujina branch of Hiroshima First Army Hospital. Man suffering from hair loss.
Photographer Shunkichi Kikuchi
Date On October 3, 1945
Location Ujina-cho
Distance from hypocenter 4160meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives Yes
Owner Harumi Tago
Custodian Harumi Tago , Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Taken at the Ujina branch of the Hiroshima First Army Hospital. A man suffering from hair loss. The man was in the barracks of the Chugoku Military District Infantry First Reserve (104 Corps), about one kilometer from the hypocenter. He did not suffer burns, but starting around September 28, he developed spots from subcutaneous hemorrhaging and a fever of 39.5 degrees Celsius.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition