


Taken at Ujina branch of Hiroshima First Army Hospital. Man suffering from burns.

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Title Taken at Ujina branch of Hiroshima First Army Hospital. Man suffering from burns.
Photographer Shunkichi Kikuchi
Date On October 3, 1945
Location Ujina-cho
Distance from hypocenter 4160meters
Existence of phorographic nagatives Yes
Owner Harumi Tago
Custodian Harumi Tago , Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Description Taken at the Ujina branch of the Hiroshima First Army Hospital. A man suffering from burns. The man was exposed to the bomb's thermal rays from the right side when he was outdoors in Senda-machi, about two kilometers from the hypocenter. Forty-five days after the bombing, he underwent skin-graft surgery using skin taken from his right thigh.
Record of publication in literature, exhibition